Frequently Asked Question

How do I insert stock images and videos from Screencast-O-Matic?
Last Updated 6 years ago

To view a video that walks through the process, follow this link:

or follow the steps below.

Inserting a Stock Image

Step 1:Open the video to be edited.

Step 2:Go to the point of the video where you want the stock image to appear.

Step 3:Click on Tools.From the Tools menu select Overlay and then Image.

Step 4:From the Image menu that displays, select Stock Library.This will open the Stock Library website.

Step 5:Search for an image.Once you find the desired image, click on it.Click on the Send to Editor button.

Step 6:Once back to the video editing screen, you can adjust your image by clicking on the corners to resize.Click on Style icon in the blue window that appears next to the image to make further adjustments.Once you are done with the image, click on OK on the toolbar above the video timeline.

A yellow bar will appear on your video timeline indicating where the image has been inserted.

Inserting a Stock Video:

Follow the steps above except for Step 3, from the Tools menu select Insert and then Video.

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