Frequently Asked Question

How can I best navigate the Modules page within Canvas?
Last Updated 6 years ago

The Modules page in your Canvas course does contain a lot of information. There are two ways to navigate the Modules page to make access to the later units easier.

Option 1: When you are further along in the course, you can collapse earlier units to access later Units without having to scroll as much. To collapse a unit, click on the arrow to the left of the unit heading.
NOTE: If you collapse a unit, it will remain collapsed until you click on the arrow to the left again to uncollapse it.

Option 2: If you scroll to the desired unit, you can open Activities, Faculty Added Content, Assignments, etc. in a new tab on your Internet browser by right-clicking on the item and selecting "Open link in new tab". You may repeat this process for many items and have them all open in a different tab.


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